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Welcome to PokéKingdom! In a world where humans must coexist with Pokémon, you play a young student whose number one priorities are to complete tasks and make friends in humans and Pokémon alike. Prepare to embark on the journey of a lifetime!

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    Viridian Forest


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    Viridian Forest Empty Viridian Forest

    Post  ♥Aphrodite. Wed Jul 14, 2010 7:53 pm

    Viridian Forest HGSS_Viridian_Forest-Morning

    Viridian Forest is a forest which lies between Viridian City and Pewter City in the middle of Route 2 with both the north and south entrances of Viridian Forest open to the route. The deep and sprawling forest is said to be a natural maze as many people get lost inside. The trees in the forest are so thick that little light gets in, and because of this the forest is full of Bug- and Flying-type Pokémon that attract Bug Catchers and other Trainers.

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    Viridian Forest Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  Jαʞ™ Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:25 am

    As JaK & Sammie trudge along in the forest with their starters following behind them. They can't help but notice that..Well, they're LOST!

    "Hmm, maybe we should've taken a right turn at that tree, instead of hanging a left."

    Sammie would just fold her arms and roll her eyes, as JaK tried to ponder the direction they should head in. When all of a sudden, Treecko started to growl at a bush.

    "Huh, what's wrong Treecko?"

    The bush would then start to rustle and out of it, would pop none other than a...

    Viridian Forest 130px-010Caterpie

    "Caterpie, The Worm Pokemon. It will shed its skin many times before finally cocooning itself in thick silk. While some Trainers are disgusted by the idea of Bug-type Pokémon, they are ideal targets for new Trainers as they are fairly weak in the wild and evolve into their final forms at a low level."

    "It's Perfect! I gotta catch it!"

    JaK would then enlarge a pokeball and get ready to throw it at the wild Caterpie, the worm eating it's weight in sunflower seeds. When Treecko would suddenly spring into action, pounding the Caterpie out of the way with it's tail and beginning to devour the seeds it was snacking on. Caterpie rolling back, would show a look of aggression on it's face, it's food being eaten by the gecko like pokemon and quickly charging forward would tackle down Treecko. Who then stands up and looks at Caterpie angrily itself, it's moutgh full of the stolen seeds.

    "That's the way to do it Treecko, now give it a quick attack!"

    But Treecko would just ignore it's trainer's command, using the seeds in it's mouth as weapons as it fires off a round of glowing green pellets at the Caterpie. All of them hitting the mark and causing the Caterpie to go running off in search of food elsewhere. JaK with a look of astonishment on his face, as he watched his pokemon put it's hands on it's hips victoriously. Not due to the fact that the pokemon got away, but really because he didn't have a clue as to what Treecko just did...

    "Whoa, what attack was that?"

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    Viridian Forest Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  ♥Aphrodite. Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:31 am

    "Hmmm, I wonder... try using your Pokedex to figure out what move that was, JaK?" Sammie said as she watched Treecko place his hands on his hips.

    Last edited by ♥Aphrodite. on Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:49 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Viridian Forest Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  Jαʞ™ Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:42 am

    "Good idea"

    JaK opens back up his Pokedex, which begins to spit out knowledge of the attack having heard the question...

    "Bullet Seed is a damage-dealing Grass-type move where the user forcefully shoots seeds at the foe. Two to five seeds are shot in rapid succession."
    "Bullet Seed huh, well way to go treecko. We officially won our first battle."

    "Pssh, you call battling a wild Pokemon a battle. If that's what you think, then you truly are a novice trainer."

    Viridian Forest 220px-EP004_007

    Suddenly from out the bushes would come a boy dressed in a samurai costume, sporting a bug catching net and a sword.

    "Hey, you take that back. I'm no novice!"

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    Viridian Forest Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  ♥Aphrodite. Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:49 am

    Sammie looks the boy up and down, thinking to herself about how ridiculous his get-up was. But she was too nice to say it aloud, thought. She didn't know if she should say anything or not, since the guy had addressed JaK, and not her. "Look, we weren't looking for any trouble, ok?" she said, slowing bending over to pick up Squirt from the forest ground.

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    Viridian Forest Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  Jαʞ™ Thu Jul 22, 2010 1:05 am

    "So you let your woman speak for you, not only are you a novice, but a coward to!"

    "What, ok that's it pal! Come on Treecko, were gonna teach this guy a lesson."

    Treecko would again ignore JaK, still eating his fill of seeds.

    "Treecko, come on. Would you quit eating, for 5 seconds and help me out here?"

    "So it's a battle you want eh, well then. It's a battle you shall have. Go Pinsir!"

    Viridian Forest Spr_4h_127

    Samurai would throw forward a pokeball, which in a flash of light would reveal a very large horned pokemon. The Pinsir approaching Treecko, while opening and unopening it's horns. Treecko not really paying it any mind as it eats it's food.

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    Viridian Forest Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  ♥Aphrodite. Thu Jul 22, 2010 1:33 am

    Pinsir, the Stag Beetle Pokemon. Their pincers are strong enough to shatter thick logs. Because they dislike cold, Pinsir burrow and sleep under the ground on chilly nights.
    Viridian Forest Spr_3e_127

    Sammie got a sudden chill down her spine while looking at the burly bug Pokemon. She turned to Jak, telling him "Be careful, JaK. Treecko's at a disadvantage up against that thing." Then she notices that JaK doesn't luck too ready to battle. Without any willing Pokemon, he can't do much. Squirt tries to talk Treecko into listening for once.

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    Viridian Forest Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  Jαʞ™ Thu Jul 22, 2010 10:59 am

    "Enough of this, if you can't get your pokemon to fight, we will. Pinsir, Attack!"

    Pinsir would then shove Squirt out of the way and lunge towards Treecko, going for a vice grip with it's spiked horns. Treecko getting a slight glimmer in it's eye, before leaping up and avoiding the attack. Then doing a spin in the air, as it came back down and whacked Pinsir on it's head with it's tail.

    "That's the way to go Treecko, now use quick attack and get out of it's way!"

    Treecko not wanting JaK's help, decides to go for another pound attack seeing that the last one staggered the large bug pokemon a bit, but as it hit Pinsir in the abdomen with it's tail again. Pinsir would take the hit and just glare at his opponent, a drop of sweat running down Treecko's face. As it is grabbed by both of Pinisr's long arms and lifted into the air.

    "Ha a pokemon that won't even obey it's trainer, this is gonna end quickly. Now seismic toss!"

    With both hands still on Treecko, the burly bug pokemon would lift it up high into the air and slam Treecko back down doing some serious damage.

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    Viridian Forest Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  ♥Aphrodite. Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:31 am

    Sammie flinched as soon as Treecko's body slammed against the hard ground. She and Squirt looked to each other, and then over to JaK. "Maybe you should call Treecko back, JaK," Sammie said with concern in her voice. If he wouldn't listen, there was hardly any chance that Treecko was going to walk out of the match victorious anyway. No way he should get all banged up for his troubles too.

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    Viridian Forest Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  Jαʞ™ Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:07 am

    "No, we can do this. Now come on Treecko, please listen to me!"

    But Treecko refused, as it struggled back up to it's feet and unleashed a bullet seed onslaught on it's foe.

    "Pinsir harden and then follow it up with a gullotine attack!"

    Pinsir's outer shell would crackle as the seeds bounced off it like bullets to pavement. The bug pokemon sprinting through the cover fire and grabbing onto Treecko with both it's horns, really applying the pressure now.

    "Treecko, you HAVE to listen to me or were gonna lose!"

    Treecko just shook it's head, it's mouth widening as the hold became tighter.

    "Shame it has to end this way, vital throw!"

    Pinsir would then exclaim it's name as it jumped up into the air, Treecko still in it's grip and slammed it's opponent down. Then after the impact it finally releases the hold on it, Treecko could be seen with swirls in it's eyes. JaK regretfully returning his pokemon.

    "Awww, Treecko....No."

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    Viridian Forest Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  Nihility Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:50 am

    Exz has a smile on his face as he walks inside this forest. He got lucky today because he's just freely obtained a map and a few pokeballs.

    "Being a good guy is really great Exz."

    He said to himself as he's walking. Then all of a sudden, he heard a clamor. Exz then stops walking...to contribute silence since walking over the grassy ground makes noise. He hears the clamor again...a clamor that manifests torment, pain, despair, and agony. He stays in his place...trying to discern where the screaming is coming from.

    "It sounds terrible. I gotta see the source of it soon before it's too late."

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    Viridian Forest Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  ♥Aphrodite. Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:19 am

    "Okay, JaK, that's it. We should recall Treecko now until we can get to a PokeCenter," were the next words out of Sammie's mouth as she looked down at the fallen Pokemon. She looked up at the boy and his powerful Pinsir, thinking to herself "Wow, they're strong."

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    Viridian Forest Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  Jαʞ™ Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:09 am

    "Just like I thought, you are a novice. You can't even get control of your Pokemon."

    "Grr, SHUT UP! That's it, you and me buddy. Right now!"

    "HA! You try and do battle without a pokemon, you're a clown. Come back when you gain some kind of skill."

    That being said, the samurai would walk off with his Pinsir following him. JaK just standing now with his head down and gritting his teeth, he had lost his very first battle...Not a good start.

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    Viridian Forest Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  ♥Aphrodite. Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:55 am

    Sammie walked up behind JaK, patting his shoulder. Once he came on they could continue on with their trek to Pewter City.

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    Viridian Forest Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  Jαʞ™ Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:48 pm

    As JaK trudged along, he used his potion to heal Treecko of it's wounds.

    "Treecko, do you feel better now?"

    Treecko mad that it had lost, just gave JaK the cold shoulder. The trainer returning his pokemon and sighing heavily.

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    Viridian Forest Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  Nihility Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:26 pm

    Exz starts to walk towards the direction where he hears the screaming. And as he gets closer...he gradually finds out more information. Like...he found out that it's a pokecry, and two, he started to hear another sound...a sound that sounds an electricity.


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    Viridian Forest Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  ♥Aphrodite. Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:39 pm

    Sammie looked over at JaK with pity in her eyes. "Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it. You just got a Pokemon who takes a little longer to get used to. But once you crack the Treecko code, it'll be worth it," she said with a smile on her face. Hopefully she could offer some sort of kind word in this plight of JaK.

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    Viridian Forest Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  Jαʞ™ Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:42 pm

    "-SIGH- maybe you're right."

    It's getting late now, JaK & Sammie decide to set up camp for tonight and continue onwards in the morning.

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    Viridian Forest Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  ♥Aphrodite. Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:52 pm

    The sun was going down, and the forest night air was getting creepier and creepier by the second! "I know what we can do, Squirt! Let's introduce ourselves to our new buddy, Rattata." Sammie suggest, and Squirt seemed to agree with it whole-heartedly. Sammie tossed the Pokeball up into the air, inviting the purple rat Pokemon out. He appeared in a bright white flash, standing on his hind legs and waiting to see what was going on. "Hey, Rattata! I'm Sammie, your new trainer. And this is your new big sister, Squirt." Sammie said, petting Rattata on the head. He sort of smiled while saying his own name over and over again, not feeling too bad about his new family.

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    Viridian Forest Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  Jαʞ™ Fri Jul 23, 2010 5:09 pm

    JaK thought about letting out Treecko, but then decided against it. Making a fire, using a few twigs and stones as so they could stay warm. Though soon after the fire was made, it was like Treecko could sense the heat and popped out of it's ball next to the crackling flames. Curling up into a ball and laying down, not really acting as if it knew it's trainer existed.

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    Viridian Forest Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  Nihility Fri Jul 23, 2010 5:11 pm

    Soon, he arrives at a plain field where the screaming is coming. He sees a very pissed trainer, an Elekid, and a Shinx who looks to have a lot of bruises and wounds. Exz hides behind a bush nearby, watching every move they take.

    "What are those pokemons...?"

    Wondering, Exz takes his pokedex out and scans the two amazing pokemons.

    Viridian Forest 239Elekid

    Pokedex: Elekid, the Electric Pokémon. Elekid's weak spot is between its horns, but the electric current that runs there can shock the unwary.

    Viridian Forest Shinx

    Pokedex: Shinx, The Flash Pokemon. The extension and contraction of its muscles generates electricity. Its fur glows when it's in trouble.

    "affraid THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!"

    He said to himself so loud...and the anger starts to shroud him. The reason behind this is because of what he's currently seeing.

    "DAAAMNN! I am starting to get annoyed at you! I thought you are a great electric pokemon! But you can't even hit a hanging banana with your electric move!"

    Shinx lays down on the ground...very very worn out now. He's panting heavily as the trainer looks on with burning eyes.

    "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! You can't rest until I said so! Come on Elekid!"

    Viridian Forest AG154_053

    Elekid yells his "Ele" before spinning both of his arms erratically to generate electricity. Exz is watching the Shinx and looks back at Elekid...telling himself to move now before it's too late. He tells himself "GO" before diving out of the bush and running at the Shinx. He grabs the Flash Pokemon and does a swift roll, a roll that carried them both away from the spot where Elekid's generated electricity landed.

    "...Now who are you to interfere huh? It's my pokemon, and you just stole it! Walk away now before I tell this to an Officer Jenny!"

    Exz is still on kneeling position after the roll. He looks at the fallen Shinx who's resting on his arms, like it's a baby.

    "You'll be okay Shinx."

    Exz then lays Shinx down on a comfortable grassy ground before standing up and looking at the trainer with anger. Because what he did is the thing he hates.


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    Viridian Forest Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  ♥Aphrodite. Fri Jul 23, 2010 6:42 pm

    Samantha looked on at JaK, stuck in his conundrum. She felt a little bad for him and Treecko both, and was completely oblivious to Squirt and Rattata talking to each other. Perhaps they were getting to know each other? Well either way, Rattata took off in a mad dash for the bushes. Squirtle seemed happy to join him, too. Sammie's eyes widened; were they running away from her?! "Hey! You two come back!!" was what she shouted out before diving into the bush too, not thinking about where she was going at all. Her and her team had left JaK alone with his angst-filled Pokemon.

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    Viridian Forest Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  Nihility Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:05 pm

    "What are you to hurt Shinx like that?"

    "What am I? I am a TRAINER! And that Shinx is mine, so I think the question should be...who are you to get in my own business?!"

    "Who am I? I am Exz, a REAL trainer! Yes...I do not consider you as a trainer at all because a trainer cooperates and understands his pokemons. And a real trainer trains his or her pokemons in a real trainer way. And it's sad to say that you do not have at least one of the requirements."

    "How dare you to insult me! You don't know anything at--"

    "I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING?! Well I saw every thing you were doing to the poor Shinx! You are tormenting it because of its limitations. You're training it in a cruel and wrong manner."

    "Well it's so annoying already! Do not tell me you won't be mad too if your pokemon does not--"

    "YES I WILL NOT BE MAD! Why? Because I am a REAL trainer. I studied well in the pokemon Academy and I know how to cultivate a pokemon's abilities in a correct way."

    "Arghh...you're getting on my nerves already! How about we just battle huh? And let's see if your words are really right. Come on buddy Elekid, let's beat this preachy guy."

    Elekid steps forward, manifesting an evil smirk.

    "Okay, let's have a deal. If I win, I will take Shinx with me--"

    "BUT IF I WIN, you'll get your ass out of our sights!"

    Exz simply nods with a serious face, before throwing out the pokeball of his starter. The pokeball breaks in the air, releasing a white light down to the ground that forms into Charmander. Charmander gets into a fighting position, with a confident smile.

    Viridian Forest Spr_b_g4_004 vs Viridian Forest Spr_4h_239


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    Viridian Forest Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  ♥Aphrodite. Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:39 pm

    Sammie followed the quick mouse Pokemon all the way into a small natural orchard. She knew that she was close, because she could hear Rattata and Squirt talking to one another. All she had to do was follow their voices, and then, "Hah! I found you! What was up with you guys running away like that?" Squirt looked up at Sammie, trying to communicate with her. "What, Rattata said he had something to show us? Is that right?" she would say, looking over at Rattata who made noises to express his agreement. He ran into a tree trunk, using Tackle attack. In mere seconds, a couple of Cherri Berries fell down! "Oh, I get it. You wanted to make up for eating all of our berries earlier! Well isn't that sweet?" Samantha would start to pick berries from all of the trees within the orchard while Squirt and Rattata went around looking for berries that had already fallen. This was their midnight snack.

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    Viridian Forest Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  Nihility Fri Jul 23, 2010 8:00 pm

    "Elekid, finish this already with Thunderbolt!"

    Elekid spins both of his arms before releasing a bolt of yellow lightning from his horns at Charmander.

    "Dodge it with dig."

    Charmander quickly digs a hole in the ground using his claws, and gets in there, causing the Thunderbolt to miss.

    "Get near him and crash his head with Thunderpunch!"

    Elekid runs at the hole made by Charmander, and peeks in with his fist already surging with electricity, ready to land the attack. But he finds out that he's not there anymore.


    Charmander then gets out from the ground, on the other side, away from his old spot. Elekid turns around, and sees a barrage of fireballs coming at him.

    "OH NO!"

    Elekid gets raped by the blazing fireballs, falling down with burns on his body.

    "Great job Charmander! I think we got him there."

    "No...not yet!"

    Elekid is seen standing up already, panting heavily. He looks at the flame lizard pokemon with eyes full of vengeance.

    "Thunderpunch, again!"

    Elekid yells his name as his right fist gets shrouded by electricity. Then he runs at Charmander, ready to pound the target.

    "Dodge it Charmander."

    Charmander waits for more seconds, before jumping to his left, to evade the electrifying fist. But the already close Elekid grabs Charmander by his tail using the other free hand and swings him right towards the fist of Elekid. BAM! It hits! Charmander has just received a thunderous punch right on his abdomen. Charmander goes skidding away, back to Exz's side. Exz kneels down over him and checks him...hoping that he's alright.

    "Hmph, I told you we'll win."

    But then, after a few more seconds, Charmander starts making his way back standing up, still shaking due to the effects of the dreadful Thunderpunch attack.

    "Don't stop attacking Elekid, come on!"

    There's no command received from the trainer, but Elekid decides for himself to use Thunderpunch again. But this time...Elekid envelopes both of his fists by electricity, while laughing evilly. The Electric pokemon then screams his name before running at the still-dazed Charmander. Exz is gritting his teeth as he sees this, trying to think of a move to get Charmander out of those baneful fists.

    "Hahahah, prepare to leave now my friend!"

    A slow motion effect starts to affect the whole scene. Elekid swings his left fist first...but OH! Charmander simply bends back, barely avoiding the left fist. Elekid gets shocked...and the electricity on the left fist has now vanished. But there's still one threat for Charmander, and there's still one hope for Elekid. He then proceeds to swing his right and last one, but Charmander swiftly and nicely ducks, again...ceasing the last hope of Elekid. The slow motion effect stops...and Elekid is seen dazed by the swift evades of Charmander.

    "...WHAT?! That's impossible."

    "It is...because it happened. Now use Scratch."

    Charmander quickly moves, surprising the shocked Elekid by scratching his whole face with those glistening little yet sharp claws. Elekid stumbles backwards and falls on one knee...holding his face in big agony.

    "Move Elekid! MOVE!"

    "Finish with him Ember."

    Charmander inhales before unleashing another array of numberless fireballs from his mouth and his body. The stunned and hurt Elekid gets showered by the painful fireballs, causing the arrogant Elekid to fall down completely and faint.


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