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Welcome to PokéKingdom! In a world where humans must coexist with Pokémon, you play a young student whose number one priorities are to complete tasks and make friends in humans and Pokémon alike. Prepare to embark on the journey of a lifetime!

Professor Maple
Mt. Moon
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    Viridian Forest


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    Viridian Forest - Page 2 Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  ♥Aphrodite. Fri Jul 23, 2010 8:31 pm

    "Ok, you guys. I think that's enough berries. We'd better leave some for the Pokemon that live around here. Best be getting back to JaK... do you remember the way back, Rattata?" Sammie looked down at Rattata who hunched his shoulders up. Then she looked over to Squirt, who shook her head, too. Sammie looked around at all of the tall trees before shouting out, "Oh this is just perfect! You mean we're stuck out here?!" Her loud voice carried for yards in the silence of the Viridian forest night. A few buzzing noises could be heard. She turned around, exclaiming, "Oh what now?!" She froze up as a swarm of Beedrill stood hovering above her and her two Pokemon, knowing that she had probably disturbed them with her outburst. She didn't need the Pokedex for this one; she knew that these Pokemon were known for their bad tempers. "RUN!" Sammie and her Pokemon took off running. Rattata didn't have a problem with making his way to the front of the trio. Squirt found herself at the back of the line, running as fast as her stubbly legs would carry her. Samantha reached back just in time to grab her by the arm and help her out in the evasion of a twin-needle attack. It was the dead of the night, and they were running from a pack of bully bug Pokemon...

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    Viridian Forest - Page 2 Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  Nihility Fri Jul 23, 2010 8:46 pm

    The trainer returns his Elekid, feeling a little embarassed because his arrogant words have failed.

    "I told you. If you want to be a good trainer, you have to stop treating your pokemons cruelly. If you want to be a good trainer, you have to be fair. If you want to be a good trainer, you have to learn how to cultivate them correctly."

    Exz looks at him seriously...hoping that he changes and corrects his mistakes.

    "...I don't need any of your stupid counsels and admonitions! I can be a good trainer....a better trainer than you. Shinx is yours...I do not care about him anyway, he's a weakling!"

    The trainer takes the pokeball of Shinx out, before throwing it on the ground. The trainer then leaves...leaving Exz who's shaking his head in disappointment. Exz walks back to Charmander...and pats him on the head.

    "You did great my friend. You deserve a nice long rest."

    Exz returns Charmander back to his pokeball, and looks over at the sleeping injured Shinx.


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    Viridian Forest - Page 2 Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  Jαʞ™ Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:36 pm

    Meanwhile JaK was seen searching the forest for Sammie, his stomach empty, but still he trudged onward. He couldn't just move on without her, Treecko following behind him as well. The Pokemon not liking his trainer much, still knew that it rather be with someone who would usually have food on him, rather than have to search for it on his own. JaK getting tired now, would place his hand against a tree and sigh loudly, when suddenly he felt something sticky on the tree he had just placed his hand on...

    "What the---HEY! It's tree sap."

    JaK would then lick his hand and smile, it tasted delicious. Treecko seeming to agree, for it was licking the bark as well. Getting it's fill, but as it would lick, eventually both of them would notice that patches of the substance had already been licked up. They both followed the odd eating pattern up the tree and saw a big blue bug pokemon devouring the sap a gallon at a time. Breaking off the tree's branches and drinking it's sweet nectar, like it was a water bottle.

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    "Wow, I've never ever seen that pokemon or read about it in any book around here before?"

    Treecko seeming annoyed by the bug pokemon eating up, what he presumed to be his dinner. Would atatck, firing an array of bullet seeds at it. The bug pokemon seeing the incoming pellets and flying away.

    "Treecko, why'd you do that? It was hungry just like you?"

    Treecko would then give JaK a look that said, nobody asked you and went back to eating what was left of the sap, but suddenly gets tackled from behind by the same pokemon from before. Treecko being sent flying and colliding into a tree, which it slides down and lands on it's head. Treecko getting up rubbing it's cranium, before glaring at the wild pokemon with a dirty look. Seeing that a battle is about to take place, JaK takes out his pokedex and points it at the beetle like pokemon, wanting more info on it.

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    Viridian Forest - Page 2 Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  Nihility Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:48 pm

    Exz walks to the Shinx...with a look full of pity on his face. He takes out a pokeball that the hiker gave to him earlier. He looks at it before lightly tackling Shinx with it. Shinx gets shrouded and eaten by a red light, and that red light sinks into the pokeball, getting consumed together with Shinx. The pokeballs starts to shake on the ground for three times before it stops. He grabs it from the ground using his hand and stands up...staring straightly at the pokeball.

    "Don't worry Shinx. I will take care of you. You won't anymore suffer like what you've experienced from your past trainer."

    After that statement, Exz smiles before continuing his journey. He looks at his map that the hiker gave to him while he's walking, finding the next nearest city here in Viridian Forest. After some seconds, Exz finds out that he'll arrive at another city named Pewter at the exit of Viridian Forest.

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    Viridian Forest - Page 2 Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  ♥Aphrodite. Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:13 pm

    "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Sammie hollered out into the night as she and her Pokemon had found themselves cornered. They had hit a dead end, and all three of them found themselves stuck between a rock and about a dozen hard places. Squirtle used Water Gun to take out two of the Beedrill, but that only enraged the remaining ten. Sammie and her Pokemon cowered into the rock, expecting to be stung within a matter of seconds... but it never came. They all opened one eye to see the Beedrill swaying in the air. And then they all fell down to the ground at once. "Oh wow, that's odd," Sammie said, and then a movement caught her attention. A Pokemon was emerging from behind the rock! Sammie pulled out her Pokedex to read up more on the Pokemon who had saved her.

    Drowzee, the Hypnosis Pokemon. A descendant of the legendary animal baku, which is said to eat dreams. It is skilled at hypnotism.
    Viridian Forest - Page 2 Spr_3e_096

    "Well thanks a bunch, Drowzee. I don't know what we would have done if you hadn't come along and stopped those Beedrill. And... and... say, what are yo... Zzzzzzzzz." Sammie had watched Drowzee wave his hands around in the air, finding it harmless enough, when he was actually putting her to sleep. She, Squirt and Rattata all went to sleep, leaving only Drowzee awake. Drowzee happily marched over to the sleeping girl, beginning to suck her dream out of her as she slumbered. She twitched on the ground and her happy, Clefairy filled dream quickly turned into a horrible scene; Samantha found herself swimming in the ocean being surrounded by Sharpedo.

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    Viridian Forest - Page 2 Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  Jαʞ™ Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:18 pm

    Viridian Forest - Page 2 180px-214Heracross

    "Heracross, The Single Horn Pokemon. With its Herculean powers, it can easily throw around an object that is 100 times its own weight. Though usually docile, if disturbed while sipping honey, it chases off the intruder with its horn. This Pokemon is usually sighted around the Johto Region and it is a rarity to see it anywhere else."

    "Be careful Treecko, it's much, much stronger than you are!"

    But Treecko again, chose not to listen to JaK. Charging head forth at the wild Heracross and trying to nail it with a pound attack. Heracross ducking under Treecko and using reversal to fling Treecko up into the air. Before zipping up there itself and hitting it with a strong headbutt, that knocks Treecko into the top of a tree. Where it hangs from a branch by it's belly, looking surprised by Heracross's power.

    "Wow I could feel that hit over here. Treecko, if you keep refusing to listen to me, you're gonna get creamed again. Just give me one chance...ONE and I promsie you, well win this and you can eat all the sap you want PLEASE!"

    Treecko thinks about the offer and was going to just ignore JaK again, but then flashes of it's last pokemon enconuter fill it's head and it nods to JaK. Seeing the herculean like pokemon flying towards it.

    "Ok then, quick use agility by jumping from branch to branch and hurry!"

    As Heracross would reach Treecko and go for a horn attack, the gecko like pokemon would dash out of the way, leaving a white line in it's wake. This movemnt was so fast, it caused Heracross to crash into the tree! The bug pokemon shaking off the hit, then attempting another, once it located Treecko, but again Treecko would zip away. The pokemon continuing this process until Heracross was very dizzy from bumping it's head over and over. Then while it was dazed, JaK saw his chance to go in for the kill.

    "Now use your pound attacck, while it's groggy!"

    Treecko would then speed hop, branch by branch to the dazed Heracross's location. Before doing a full 360 degree turn and swiping it's tail across it's face. Which in turn, sends the wild Heracross tumbling down to the ground below. Where it crashes into the forest floor, seemingly injured...

    "Yes it worked, here goes nothing. Pokeball, GO!"

    JaK would then lunge a pokeball at the downed Heracrosss and watch it shake violently. Treecko also watching from above, as it looked like it would break out, but didn't and eventually stopped moving making the locking sound. Thus securing JaK's first attempt at a capture as a success.

    "ALLLLLRIGHT!!! I did it, I caught Heracross!"

    Viridian Forest - Page 2 AshTreecko

    Treecko a bit annoyed by this victory cheer, would just put his twig back in his mouth and fold his arms. Thinking he's the one who really did all the work and as it thought this, JaK would grab the pokeball, holding it up. A very wide smirk upon his face.

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    Viridian Forest - Page 2 Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  Nihility Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:24 pm

    As he's walking, he starts to think again about the legendary pokemon he saw years ago -- Ho-oh. He looks up at the sky...with a serious look.

    "I can't wait to see you. I know you're just there, and I know you're not a fiction. I will keep my patience, and I will find you."

    He said to himself while he's walking.

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    Viridian Forest - Page 2 Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  Jαʞ™ Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:33 pm

    After captuing Heracross, JaK wandered on with Treecko following not to close, due ito it being mad at the fact that it had to take orders from JaK, but he knew it was warming up to him or else it wouldn't havd done so. As he continued on his course though, he could here low murmurs and wondered what it was. He would continue toward the noise until he could hear clearly what what the sound was. It seemed like somebody was saying Drowzee, over and over again. Then as he peered though a bush, he could see the pokemon in question doing soemthing to Sammie and her pokemon. JaK springing into action and pointing at Drowzee.

    "HEY YOU! Stop that, right now!"

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    Viridian Forest - Page 2 Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  ♥Aphrodite. Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:38 pm

    Drowzee turned around to look at JaK, and then went back to sucking out the dreams of Samantha.

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    Viridian Forest - Page 2 Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  Jαʞ™ Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:48 pm

    "So it's like that, huh? Ok then, come on Treecko give it a taste of your bullet seed!...Treecko?"

    JaK would then look all over and see that Treecko was gone.

    "Treecko, come on where are you!?! This is not the time to be playing hide...And...Go....Seek....."

    JaK was beginning to nod off, Drowzee having turned around and started to hypnotize him now. When suddenly from behind Drowzee, Treecko would pop up and jump on top of it's head. Thus ruining it's focus and as the psychic pokemon would curl up it's fist, going for it's own pound attack. Treecko would jump up and kick it in the face, tumbling over Drowzee...

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    Viridian Forest - Page 2 Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  Nihility Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:57 pm

    Exz finds a boulder, big enough to serve as a seat for a while for people. Exz stretches before sitting down on the boulder...and putting his bag down. He takes out his water bottle, opens the mouth, and starts sipping water from it.

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    Viridian Forest - Page 2 Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  ♥Aphrodite. Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:58 pm

    Sammie woke up with a loud shriek. Drowzee's loss of concentration meant the end of her nightmare... the Sharpedos got her Sad. She looked around rapidly and in a fright, seeing she was back in the real world. Her Pokemon were slowly coming to, and JaK was stirring as well, and so were the Beedrill! Sammie shook her Pokemon and then shook JaK too. If they could get out of here and leave Drowzee with the Beedrill, all would be good.

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    Viridian Forest - Page 2 Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  Nihility Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:01 pm

    After drinking and satiating his thirst, Exz takes out a pack of rice balls. He starts to eat the snack slowly, while looking up at the nice and silent sky.

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    Viridian Forest - Page 2 Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  Jαʞ™ Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:04 pm

    As JaK would come to, he would shake his head pushing Sammie away.

    "No mom, please. I'm already wearing a fresh pair of underwear I promise."

    Soon he would fully wake up though and see what happened, Sammie was safe and awake with her pokemon. He also noticed Treecko standing over Drowzee, he would then whistle to it, signaling for Treecko to come on. So they could get out of here, the Beedrill were waking up. Treecko seeing this too, would run on all fours as the trainers and their pokemon made a mad dash for it. Leaving Drowzee to deal with the bunch of angry Beedrill.

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    Viridian Forest - Page 2 Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  ♥Aphrodite. Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:10 pm

    Through pants and heavy breathing, "JaK... are they chasing us?... you look back... I'm too scared."

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    Viridian Forest - Page 2 Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  Jαʞ™ Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:13 pm

    JaK couldn't see anything, which means hopefully they couldn't see them...

    "No, I think were safe...PHEW!"

    JaK would then bend over and grab his knees, having ran faster then he ever thought he would need to.

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    Viridian Forest - Page 2 Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  ♥Aphrodite. Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:34 pm

    Sammie tried her best to get her breathe back, returning Rattata so that he could rest up. The sun was beginning to peek in on them. "Oh my gosh. We've been up all night."

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    Viridian Forest - Page 2 Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  Jαʞ™ Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:48 pm

    "Awww, gosh and I was so tired to..."

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    Viridian Forest - Page 2 Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  ♥Aphrodite. Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:56 pm

    With the sun rising, Sammie can read a sign that she couldn't see, let alone even read, earlier on. It says that Pewter City is just that way. "Well we better get to walking. The sooner we get out of this crazy forest, the better." The four began to walk out of the forest down a laid path.

    A figure was watching them exit the forest, though. A pissed off Drowzee stared them down, squinting his eyes and saying his name.

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    Viridian Forest - Page 2 Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  Jαʞ™ Sat Jul 24, 2010 12:06 am

    As they headed down the path, Treecko looked tired from having two battles in a row, so JaK returned it.
    Mt. Moon
    Mt. Moon

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    Viridian Forest - Page 2 Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  Mt. Moon Sat Jul 24, 2010 12:42 am

    Dean and Krissy splits up when they were met at a fork in the trees. Krissy and Smoochum headed off into a chilly part of the Viridian Forest, at Smoochum's request as she loves the cold. Krissy holds her arms as she's cold, but Smoochum's Fake Tears seem to always work on her! As they head down a path they hear someone screaming! A bug catcher runs past them frantically shouting as he does so, as Krissy barely side steps and dodges being trampled over.


    Krissy went a little wide eyed at the yelling grown man. She figured if a grown man was scared and running, a fresh on the journey teen girl probably should turn back too.

    " We're gonna turn around and go catch up with De- Where ate you going!? "

    Smoochum's lips must have alerted her to something good, as she darts off through some trees, as Krissy runs after her! Krissy gets some scratches but when she finds herself on the other side of the tree she sees Smoochum smiling and waving at her with some red jelly smeared on her face from the berries she is munching down on. A hissing sound hums, as Krissy looks around nervously. Suddenly some yellow eyes pierce through the darkness all around, as Krissy begins to tremble in fear, a gang of Meowth's walk out! They don't look too happy ... as Krissy connects the dots that the tipped over bag the berries are spilled from had to have belonged to the man, who come to think of it had scarlet colored scratch marks all over him!

    " Frenchie get over here quick! "

    Smoochum grabs a few more berries and begins to run over to Krissy but falls down, as Smoochum are known to do! The clumbsy Pokemon goes to stand up when suddenly a large Pokemon leaps right in front of her!

    Viridian Forest - Page 2 2hmj0c8

    The gorgeous looking cat pounces on Smoochum, pinning her to the ground! Smoochum begins to cry as Krissy quickly stumbles around to get her Dex out and hopefully get some helpful info on the Pokemon putting her baby Pokemon at risk!

    Behind its lithe, elegant appearance lies a barbaric side. It will tear apart its prey on a mere whim.

    Krissy begins to panic hearing that Persian is ruthless! She figures they are being defensive over the berries, and quickly yells out some advice.

    " Just leave the food and maybe they'll let you go ... "

    Smoochum's stubborn attitude is shown in full force, as the Pokemon puts another berry in its mouth and chews it reeeeeealllll slow right in front of Persian! The dominant feline Pokemon lifts its paw high in air ready to slash Smoochum out! Krissy winces in fear ... but opens her eyes back up as she hears a hiss, as one of the Meowth in the gang lunges forward and claws the Persian off of Smoochum. Persian hisses, and the Meowth meows back fighting for Persian to just let Smoochum go. Persian lifts her mighty paw once more and tosses it right into the Meowth's face!

    Viridian Forest - Page 2 10f9g9f

    Krissy gasps as the Mewoth is sent flying in air and rolling on the snow, as the other Meowth's back up in fear and stay silent. Smoochum gets up and runs over to Meowth and gives him a kiss, and nods as she's sensed he's a good guy. The Persian walks towards the two, as Smoochum stands in front of Meowth with he arms spread, as if saying you'll have to go through me first! Persian gets up in Smoochum's face and lets off a huge Roar attack. Smoochum holds her grond and opens her mouth as if to roar, but actually uses Powder Snow right into Persian's face, sending the Queen Cat back a bit. Persian walks up again and simply shoves Smoochum over and into the snow face first, out of the way. Persia lifts her paw to swipe at Meowth again but Smoochum gets up and runs and uses her butt to bump Persian over onto it's side! Krissy yells for Smoochum to Powder Snow once more! The purple Pokemon does just that, covering Persian in snow for a while, as Krissy runs over to get Meowth thinking the case is clear!

    " Are you okay little kitt- AHH! "

    Persian POUNCES out of the snow, pinning Krissy down onto the snow! Smoochum begins to head over to help when the attacked Meowth uses Faint Attack, appearing rights to the side of Persian, and attacks it off of Krissy! Persian gets up and it's red gem gleams before Power Gem's are shot out of it into Meowth! Krissy yells to Smoochum to use help however she can! Smoochum runs over, hand glowing a light blue, and punches Persian! Ice Punch connects! Ice Punch hits! A small clump of ice is on Persian, and quickly grows and consumes her, leaving Persian an ice cube! Krissy smiles, as Smoochum keeps her flowing hand up and turns around, showing her hand to the gang of Meowth's! The Mewoth's run, scared that if Smoochum took down their leader then they must be no match! Krissy quickly opens up her basket, which is pretty much empty now, and lays a jacket in it, then places Mewoth on top, and closes the jacket a bit, snuggling the meowing in pain Meowth in! She quickly runs off with Smoochum ( who swipes up whats left of the berries ) as they run off to find Dean and civilization to find help for Meowth!



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    Viridian Forest - Page 2 Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  Josh™ Sat Jul 24, 2010 3:17 pm

    As they enter the forest Josh and Chimchar look up and see the trees are barely letting in any sunlight which is making the whole thing a little creepy, but they carry on. They look around and see a load of bug Pokemon crawling along the floor and on the trees

    Josh: Chimchar, keep alert

    As Josh says that Chimchar screams and falls off his shoulder and Josh turns around and sees a Metapod right in his face, causing him to fall to the ground as well. Chimchar then uses Ember and breaks the Metapods String Shot leaving it laying on the floor, not being able to do much, giving Josh and Chimchar the perfect chance to run the hell away
    Professor Maple

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    Viridian Forest - Page 2 Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  Professor Maple Sun Jul 25, 2010 9:07 pm

    {For Continuation Purposes.}

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    Viridian Forest - Page 2 Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  Josh™ Sun Jul 25, 2010 9:25 pm

    OT: TY

    As they continue to tentativly walk through the forest they keep an eye out on the bug Pokemon that could attack them at a random time when the stumble across trees that have been knocked down.

    Josh: Woah, Chimchar what the hell happened here?

    Chimchar then looks up at Josh as if to say "how the hell do I know".

    Old Man: A rouge Pokemon is what did it

    Josh and Chimchar turn around and see the old man

    Josh: A rouge Pokemon

    Old Man: Yes, a Pokemon has been going through this forest trying to find a worthy opponent, myself and Machop have been trying to stop it but everytime we fight he ends up defeating us. This is what has caused all the damage to the forest

    Josh: Well we have to stop it

    Old Man: No offence young man but if we can't stop it what chance do you have?

    Josh: Well no offence sir but we've got more energy and I know we can take him

    Old Man: Ok then. We'll give it a shot

    Josh: Ok, so how do we find him?

    Old Man: Well I'm sure if you wait here he'll turn up eventually

    Josh: Aww man, I hate waiting

    With that the old man and his Machop escort Josh and Chimchar back to his cabin to wait for the rouge Pokemon

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    Viridian Forest - Page 2 Empty Re: Viridian Forest

    Post  Josh™ Mon Jul 26, 2010 9:47 am

    OT: I've been told I can bump myself

    After a few hours of waiting Josh and the Old Man start to see it's getting dark

    Josh: Are you sure this Pokemon is going to come?

    Old Man: Yes, just give it enough time and he'll be here

    As they say that the pair hear a twig snapping outside and they rush to the window of the Old Man's cabin and outside they see the Pokemon that has been destroying the forest and Josh gets his Pokedex out and scans the Pokemon

    Viridian Forest - Page 2 20100417214448%21236Tyrogue
    Dexter: Tyrogue, the Scuffle Pokémon. Tyrogue is the pre-evolved form of Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan and Hitmontop. It has a small but very energetic body

    Josh: Are you kidding me? This is the tough Pokemon you've been talking about

    Old Man: Don't underestimate it

    Josh: Ok, Chimchar lets get ready

    Viridian Forest - Page 2 Spr_b_g4_390 vs Viridian Forest - Page 2 Spr_4h_236

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