Poké Kingdom

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Welcome to PokéKingdom! In a world where humans must coexist with Pokémon, you play a young student whose number one priorities are to complete tasks and make friends in humans and Pokémon alike. Prepare to embark on the journey of a lifetime!

Mt. Moon
9 posters

    Pewter City

    Raging Metapod

    Posts : 34
    Join date : 2010-07-17

    Pewter City - Page 5 Empty Re: Pewter City

    Post  Raging Metapod Sat Aug 07, 2010 6:20 pm

    "Umm, Hello?"
    Maple was a little Confused. The video phone showed a stream of Venonat looking down in to the Camera.

    "Get out of the Way Venonat!"
    "Haha, Calvin. How Are you?"
    "I am great thanks Professor, you?"
    "I am good thanks. I see you now have a Venonat"
    "Yeah, I caught it in Viridian Forest"
    "It's quite an acquisition. They are very loyal and are subtly powerful"
    "Well I am just trying to get to know it really. It is very energetic."
    "Thats A nice trait in Pokemon. How is Chimchar"
    "Great thanks Prof. We have really got to know eachother. It helped me defeat a lot of Bug Trainers."
    "Well Bug trainers are one thing, but Brock is another"
    "I know"
    "Brock specialises in Rock Type. Both Chimchar and Venonat are weak to Rock, so I would tread carefully."
    "Any advice Professor?"
    "I would catch a water type, or train a lot. It's tough. Look Calvin, I got to go, there is a Spoink bouncing around. I need to go get it. Bye"

    Posts : 67
    Join date : 2010-07-16
    Age : 31
    Location : Cymru

    Pewter City - Page 5 Empty Re: Pewter City

    Post  Josh™ Sat Aug 07, 2010 8:02 pm

    The videophone is finally picked up and Josh sees someone he doesn't recognize

    Josh: Um hello?

    Professor Maple: Hi, how can I help you?

    Josh: I was looking for Professor Oak, I might have gotten the wrong number

    Professor Maple: Oh no, you have the right number, I'm just looking after things while the Professor is out on a errand

    Josh: Oh right, any idea when the Professor will be back?

    Professor Maple: No I'm sorry, as I'm sure you know he can usually be gone a while, but if you want me to pass on a message I'm sure I can manage it Smile

    Josh: Ok, I just wanted to tell him that I won my first gym badge

    Professor Maple: That's wonderful news I'm sure he'll be more than happy to hear that

    As Josh smiles happily, Chimchar then jumps in front of the screen and touches the screen, seeing someone but not able to feel them

    Josh: Chimchar get down

    Professor Maple: Oh, that must be the Chimchar the the Professor gave you

    Josh: Yup, is there any chance you could tell him that Chimchar is doing great?

    Professor Maple: I'd be happy to, is there anything else?

    Josh: Not that I can think of at the moment but if something comes up I'll be sure to call

    Professor Maple: Ok, good luck on the rest of your journey

    Josh: Thanks, have a nice day

    Professor Maple: Thank you, you too

    After hanging up, Josh heads over and gets Tyrogues Pokeball back off Nurse Joy and leaves the center and heads out to relax before continuing
    Raging Metapod

    Posts : 34
    Join date : 2010-07-17

    Pewter City - Page 5 Empty Re: Pewter City

    Post  Raging Metapod Sun Aug 08, 2010 6:06 pm

    "Well you heard it guys. Looks like we are going to have to get a water type in order to beat this gym. Let's go find a water hole or something." Calvin returned Venonat and Chimchar and looked at a Pewter city Map on the wall of the Pokemon centre. There was no Water body in Pewter City, so i appeared that he would have to do things the hard way.
    Mt. Moon
    Mt. Moon

    Posts : 65
    Join date : 2010-07-14
    Location : Photoshop

    Pewter City - Page 5 Empty Re: Pewter City

    Post  Mt. Moon Sat Aug 14, 2010 2:09 pm


    Krissy sees the cactus Pokemon leap out of the boulders of the in pain Onix! Krissy gasps a little realizing the reason for the Onix’s rage was the green Pokemon before her being caught between two of it’s boulders. A quick pull out of the PokeDex and a scan tells Krissy that the Pokemon is … Cacnea! Of course the usefull Pocker Professor of sorts has a little more information to give, as Krissy listens to learn a little something about the pokemon before her.

    “Cacnea, the Cactus Pokémon. Cacnea lives primarally in dry desert areas, and attacks by swinging its pin covered arms like hammers.”

    Krissy looks over Cacnea and see the pins on its body, and realizes the painful things that could come if their not careful. She looks to her Pokemon, and speaks with a warning tone to her voice.

    ” Guys, let’s just leave him alone and he might run away and we can avoid some pai- Frenchie no! ”

    Smoochum’s eyes have hearts in them as she drools and walks towards the Cacnea! Once close enough, Cacnea wildly spins its arms and walks forward into Smoochum, sending her flying back with pins on her head, and more alarming to Smoochum … her hair! The baby Pokemon begins to go into cries, as Cacnea spins its arms and begins to walk more towards Krissy! Cacnea stops in his tracks, lifting its arm up and towards Krissy, then uses Pin Missle, sending its pins flying at Krissy! Krissy quickly jumps to the ground, just dodging the move. The frightened Cacnea gets its other arm up, ready to protect itself more from the strange people and Pokemon around him.

    “ I don’t want to fight ‘em … he’s just scared to have been trapped and now to be around all of us … Smoochum try and freeze him nicely so we can leave him be to defrost … ”

    Krissy looks to her Smoochum, who is still throwing a tantrum at the fact that pins got stuck in her hair, and sighs. As Cacnea goes to shoot more pins at Krissy on the ground, Meowth crawls out of the basket it was laying in and walks up towards Cacnea, before opens its mouth wide and letting out a SCREECH! Krissy covers her ears, as Cacnea winces at the high pitched squeal! Cacnea shakes it off and jumps high in air with its arm ready to strike it’s pins into Meowth! Meowth quickly uses Feint Attack, as the Scratch Cat Pokemon disappears in a flash and appears up and behind Cacnea! Cacnea notices just at the moment when Meowth uses Fury Swipes into Cacnea’s back, sending the Cactus Pokemon down onto the ground!

    “ G-Great job Meowth! Can you freeze him? ”

    Mewoth thinks, realizing it can’t quite freeze the Pokemon, but it remembers a certain move that it’s old leader knew … Hypnosis! Meowth concentrates, as Cacnea tries to pry itself from the ground, but its pins are stuck a bit. Cacnea pries itself free and spins its arms wildly and heads towards Mewoth … as Mewoth continues to concentrate. Just before Cacnea connects, Meowth’s charm lights up and begins to have a spinning design to it, as Hypnosis is working! Cacnea falls backwards asleep, as Flint runs over and tosses a Pokeball, catching the Green Cactus Pokemon!

    “ Thank you! For everything … for babysitting, and for helping Onix out! … you and Meowth have a strong bond despite your short time together … and I think you should have this Pokemon, as I know you can raise it well. ”

    Krissy smiles, putting her hand out as Flint gives her the Pokemon.

    “ You said you were a Coordinator … well, there is a Contest in Cerulean City really soon! ”

    Krissy smiled, as Flint packed some food from his house as a nice goodbye package, as Krissy heads off, headed towards her first contest!

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