Poké Kingdom

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Welcome to PokéKingdom! In a world where humans must coexist with Pokémon, you play a young student whose number one priorities are to complete tasks and make friends in humans and Pokémon alike. Prepare to embark on the journey of a lifetime!

Mt. Moon
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    Pewter City

    Professor Maple

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    Pewter City - Page 3 Empty Re: Pewter City

    Post  Professor Maple Fri Jul 30, 2010 7:37 pm

    Krissy smiles, as the many children stare at her. She mouths wow to herself, Flint tried to warn her of how many kids he had but she said she could handle it. The kids all stare at her in a awkward silence ...

    " H-Hi ... why don't we ... go play at the ... park? "

    The silence breaks into an eruption of noise, as the kids all get their shoes on and run outside, trampling over Krissy leaving her on the floor twitching for a second. She leaps back up in true anime style, and brushes herself off before running out and talking to them.

    " OK ... lets stay together ... follow me and Frenchie! "

    Krissy lets Smoochum out of her ball! Smoochum spins and poses, letting her hair fly in the wind. Krissy laughs and begins to walk towards a grassy area, with Smoochum right behind her in line. The line goes smoothely, as Krissy smiles and closes her eyes walking ... this is easier then she thou-


    Tilly, the youngest girl of the siblings, is screaming, as Smoochum is on top of her on the ground using Double Slap! Krissy screams and runs over and pulls Smoochum off, who is still slapping the air!

    " BAD GIRL! Why did you do that!? "

    Smoochum cries out and shows Krissy a piece of pink bubble gum that the young girl stuck in her hair! Krissy picks Smoochum up in her arms and rocks her till she calms down a little bit. She helps her get the um out as they walk, as the kids chatter amongst themselves ...


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    Pewter City - Page 3 Empty Re: Pewter City

    Post  Nihility Fri Jul 30, 2010 7:48 pm

    While they are walking around the town, they hear loud noises. And it sounds that he and Aipom are getting closer to the source/s. After turning on the other street, they stumble upon a line of kids, and a woman who has a Smoochum. Their chatting is contributing to the noise pollution...causing Aipom to cover his big ears. Exz does not cover his ears and instead just manifests a bitter look...not wanting to make the woman, who's leading them, feel like they are annoyed.


    Exz can barely smile...due to the noise.
    Mt. Moon
    Mt. Moon

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    Pewter City - Page 3 Empty Re: Pewter City

    Post  Mt. Moon Fri Jul 30, 2010 7:55 pm

    Krissy smiles, happy that the guy in front of her hasn't ran away or called the Jennies for public disturbance! Krissy lets Smoochum down, and extends her hand.

    " Hi ... I'm Krissy ... and you are? "

    The noise dies down a little bit as the kids play on the jungle gym at the park, with Smoochum on the ground reaching up trying to get the bubble gum girl who is on the monkey bars, as if Smoochum was a shark and the girl a tight rope walker above the sea.

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    Pewter City - Page 3 Empty Re: Pewter City

    Post  Nihility Fri Jul 30, 2010 7:59 pm

    Exz smiles...after the noise has decreased a bit. He then looks back at the woman who goes by the name of Krissy.

    "Nice to meet you, I'm uhh...Exz"

    Exz reluctantly grabs the hand and shakes it. This one is a girl...and he usually becomes shy when he meets a girl who is still stranger to him.
    Mt. Moon
    Mt. Moon

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    Pewter City - Page 3 Empty Re: Pewter City

    Post  Mt. Moon Fri Jul 30, 2010 8:45 pm

    Krissy gave a smile to Exz, and shakes his hand before stopping.

    " Sooo ... Your Pokemon is really cute! "

    Krissy smiles and looks at Aipom!

    " Frenchie come say hi! "

    Smoochum comes running over to Krissy and Exz.

    " This is my Smoochum! Say hi Frenchie! "

    Smoochum crawls up on Krissy and leans forward and gives Exz a kiss on the cheek, her way of determining if Exz can be trusted around them ... and the verdict says yes! Krissy smiles at Exz and Aipom, but checks back to look at the kids once a minute or so!

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    Pewter City - Page 3 Empty Re: Pewter City

    Post  Nihility Fri Jul 30, 2010 8:53 pm

    Exz chuckles nervously after being kissed. He then looks for his Aipom, and sees that he's already on the ground...looking at Frenchie. Aipom smiles at the pokemon, who kissed Exz, and sticks his tail, that has a hand on it, for a handshake. Exz takes his pokedex out...to scan the unknown pokemon.

    Pewter City - Page 3 Tumblr_kzv4cxRZ2V1qzwgavo1_250

    Pokedex: Smoochum, the Kiss Pokémon. The pre-evolved form of Jynx. This sweet natured Pokémon has sensitive lips, which it uses to explore and examine with.

    Judging from what the pokedex said...he makes a hypothesis that Smoochum's kisses can determine a person.

    "Oh, you got a nice pokemon right there. So...what are you...and those kids doing here?"
    Mt. Moon
    Mt. Moon

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    Pewter City - Page 3 Empty Re: Pewter City

    Post  Mt. Moon Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:05 pm

    " Just one second, I'm curious now! "

    Krissy whips out her Dex and aims it at Aipom, who is shaking hands with Smoochum!

    Pewter City - Page 3 205px-190Aipom
    Aipom, the Long Tail Pokémon. Aipom is able to climb and hang from branches using its powerful tail. Aipom live atop tall trees.

    " Aww! What a cool Pokemon! Oh and back to your question ... Believe it or not these aren't my kids! "

    Krissy laughs at the fact that one could get the wrong idea and think that the children are hers. She smiles at Exz, as they've been talking the noise went from loud, to hushed, and now silent.

    " I'm babysitting for this nice man who helped me out! I'll introduce you to the ... ... kids? "

    A cold air breezes by and a tumble weed with it, as the park is empty! Krissy goes wide eyed in a " uh-oh " moment.

    " OH NO! I AM SO DEAD ... I ... I lost the kids! "

    As she begins to freak out a small boy pulls at her pant leg, as she looks down at one of the children ( the only one still here ).

    " They are jus' playin' hide and go seek! "

    Krissy covers her mouth in shock, and begins to look around for the kids, as she bites her lip in nervousness.

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    Pewter City - Page 3 Empty Re: Pewter City

    Post  Nihility Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:11 pm

    "...This is not good. We gotta help her out buddies. Come on out!"

    Exz throws all of the pokeballs of his pokemons, releasing them all out on the ground. Charmander, Shinx, and Aipom start searching in the park that was previously inhabited by reckless and noisy children. Exz helps on the search as well...hoping nothing bad will happen to the kids. Charmander and Shinx are earnest and steadfast on searching, instead of Aipom who grabs and eats any berries he sees while he's searching.
    Mt. Moon
    Mt. Moon

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    Pewter City - Page 3 Empty Re: Pewter City

    Post  Mt. Moon Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:22 pm

    " Thank you SO much ... Smoochum ... Meowth ... Abra lets look! "

    Smoochum begins to waddle around, making fishy lips in the air trying to get a feel for where a kid may be. Abra is let out of his Pokeball and sits and meditates ... not really appearing to help much. And Meowth despite its injuries walks around best he can, looking around. Krissy looks around as well ... searching high and low. Krissy begins to think ... she hasn't made dinner yet!

    " I guess I'll just leave this basket with chocolate cake in it right here ... "

    She sets the empty basket down and hides behind a trash can, as one of the small children looks around and sneaks up, and looks in the basket, when Krissy runs up and grabs him! The child laughs and sits down, being caught and sits waiting to see if they find the other kids! Meowth is looking around and having no luck ... until he looks inside a bush! As he looks only his tail is seen, which one of the youngest children sees and walks out and pulls. Meowth lets out a shriek and curls into a ball, still fearful of humans. Krissy runs over and hugs the Meowth and tags the child, as he joins his sibling sitting and watching!!

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    Pewter City - Page 3 Empty Re: Pewter City

    Post  Nihility Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:38 pm

    Aipom continued grabbing berries from here and there. Coincidentally, one of the kids, who joined the "hide and seek game", decided to also grab one because his stomach made a sound. And the best coincidence is...the kid, who's hiding in a bush, grabbed the same berry that Aipom grasped. Aipom sees the hand of the child. Aware of the plan, Aipom instead grabs the child's hand and pulls him out of the bush where he's hiding. Aipom looks at the child as if to say "Oh no you don't". The child just sits there...scratching his head. Charmander has had no luck of finding anyone...until he accidentally and unintentionally burns a bush with the fire on his tail, revealing another hiding child. Now they got two. Shinx and Exz are the last one who found another child, a hiding child who is too fat and too big for a thin trunk of tree. They all grouped the children they caught in one spot...and guarded them to prevent them from running away to hide again.
    Mt. Moon
    Mt. Moon

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    Pewter City - Page 3 Empty Re: Pewter City

    Post  Mt. Moon Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:47 pm

    Krissy smiles seeing they have most of the kids now ... but then sees one climbing up at the highest peak of the jungle gym! The kid looses his balance and falls! Everyone gasps as the kid head towards the ground.

    " ABRA ... use Teleport! "

    Krissy has a stern tone to her voice she hasn't used with Abra yet, as he has never listened to her, but now it works! Abra nods his head and the kid is teleported down towards the others, as Krissy sighs, they just dodged a huge problem! Krissy begins to count the children.

    " And then there was one ... "

    Everyone, including the kids, look around for the last kid, as it's starting to get a little late! Smoochum's lips begin to tickle, as the plump purple Pokemon heads up onto the playground toy ... and makes her way up, and finds the last child! The little girl laughs and slides down the big slide, as Smoochum huffs in... and then out with Powder Snow on the kid, freezing her into a block of ice! Krissy runs over and picks up the ice cube and rushes over.

    " Exz ... can your Charmander defrost her without burning her? "

    Krissy battered her eye lashes hoping to persuade Exz to help even more.

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    Pewter City - Page 3 Empty Re: Pewter City

    Post  Nihility Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:56 pm

    Charmander looks up at his trainer, and Exz nods at him. Charmander runs over the block of ice and powers his flame on his tail up. He then puts the tail near on the ice block, causing a physical reaction on the ice. The solid is starting to turn into liquid, physically, thanks to Charmander's fire. After a minute, the kid is already free from being frozen. Although the kid's wet due to the liquid water that was previously solid ice. The kid is steel feeling cold, so Charmander stays there...warming him with his fire.

    "Good job Charmander."
    Mt. Moon
    Mt. Moon

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    Pewter City - Page 3 Empty Re: Pewter City

    Post  Mt. Moon Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:01 pm

    Krissy smiles and quickly takes off her own jacket, wrapping it around the young child. All the kids have been found and their "game" ( Krissy's nightmere ) seems to be over. Krissy quickly puts her arm up with a Pokeball in hand, returning Smoochum before she can fulfill her revenge plan on the young girl! Krissy turns and smiles at Exz.

    " Thank you SO much! You really saved my booty out there! Why don't you follow me ... all that lil' kid chasin' really gives one an appetite! Pizza and Ice Cream back at the house!? "

    Krissy raises an eye brow, figuring who DOESN'T love ice cream and/or pizza, and hoping to repay Exz for his help, and perhaps make another friend along the way. The kids all cheer and bustle ready to head to the house, all hungry and mouth watering at the thought of pizza!


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    Pewter City - Page 3 Empty Re: Pewter City

    Post  Nihility Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:09 pm

    Exz returns his Shinx and Charmander, after thanking them, back to their pokeballs. He tried and attempted to do it on the Long Tail Pokemon...but he did not want to. He then turns to Krissy, after hearing the "gift".

    "Well...umm...honestly...I am just glad to help. It's pretty too demanding in my opinion to accept it and come with you just for food. So, I refuse miss. I don't wanna bother you."
    Mt. Moon
    Mt. Moon

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    Pewter City - Page 3 Empty Re: Pewter City

    Post  Mt. Moon Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:23 pm

    Krissy smiles a bit, she finds it nice that someone would decline an offer not wanting to intrude, thinking he is well mannered. But she herself feels obliged to pay back Exz for his help, and finds him a nice person regardless.

    " I insist ... please ... "

    Krissy gives a puppy dog pout, hoping he'll cave.

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    Pewter City - Page 3 Empty Re: Pewter City

    Post  Nihility Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:29 pm

    Exz blushes...but puts his head down quick and changes his face.

    "Well...I guess I will have to accept it then."

    Mt. Moon
    Mt. Moon

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    Pewter City - Page 3 Empty Re: Pewter City

    Post  Mt. Moon Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:32 pm

    " It's settled then ... lets go! "

    Krissy smiles and heads off with her Pokemon and Exz and his! They reach the house and go inside, as a few pizzas are cooked and brought out, as the many children attack the pizza for a slice! Krissy gets slice for Exz on a plate and hands it to him, and gets a piece for herself.

    " I have some PokeChow here if your Pokemon might be hungry too! "

    Krissy pulls a bag of Pokemon Food out from her basket, and opens it up, as she lets out Smoochum to join in on dinner!

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    Pewter City - Page 3 Empty Re: Pewter City

    Post  Nihility Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:35 pm

    Aipom, who is hungry, quickly hops off of Exz and chows down on the delicious pokemon food without any hesitations. Exz sends Shinx and Charmander out as well...and they nicely, unlike Aipom, eat.

    "Thank you so much Krissy. These mean SO MUCH to me."
    Mt. Moon
    Mt. Moon

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    Pewter City - Page 3 Empty Re: Pewter City

    Post  Mt. Moon Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:46 pm

    Krissy smiles, as all the Pokemon eat in harmony, the kids are calm with pizza now, and she and Exz are enjoying a nice dinner.

    " No problem ... it's my pleasure! "

    Krissy takes another bite of her pizza, and gets up, walking over to the Pokemon. She pets Meowth's head and picks him up and walks him over to the table.

    " This guy here stood up for Smoochum against a Persian and got beat up pretty bad ... so I brought him here and this nice man helped me, and to repay him I'm babysitting. Which reminds me ... "

    Krissy gets a first aid kit out and bandage from withing and changes Meowth's patch.

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    Pewter City - Page 3 Empty Re: Pewter City

    Post  Nihility Fri Jul 30, 2010 11:08 pm

    Exz takes his pokedex out, even though he knows well already this pokemon. He scans the suffering Meowth...while taking a bite from his pizza slice.

    Pewter City - Page 3 Meowth

    Pokedex: Meowth, the Scratch Cat Pokémon. When it sees round objects, it plays and loses track of time.

    "Ohh...so you're saying...it got beaten up by its own kind?!"
    Mt. Moon
    Mt. Moon

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    Pewter City - Page 3 Empty Re: Pewter City

    Post  Mt. Moon Fri Jul 30, 2010 11:10 pm

    " Yeah ... by it's pack leader. Smoochum got into trouble with their pack and he stood up for me and Smoochum to protect us and unfortunately got hurt for his troubles. "

    Krissy looks down, quite sad that Meowth got hurt just trying to save her and Smoochum.

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    Pewter City - Page 3 Empty Re: Pewter City

    Post  Nihility Fri Jul 30, 2010 11:19 pm

    "He sure is very heroic and brave. What he did was right...although doing it is very intricate...because he had to turn on his own tribe and fight his OWN leader to protect what and who is right. What's more sad is that his own leader is stern and did not hesitate to kick him out. It's like...being embarassed by your own family and being kicked out from it."

    He looks at Meowth with a bitter face...like he's feeling the pain from that event.
    Mt. Moon
    Mt. Moon

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    Pewter City - Page 3 Empty Re: Pewter City

    Post  Mt. Moon Fri Jul 30, 2010 11:23 pm

    Krissy looks down at Meowth as well, feeling his pain as well.

    " Yeah, I'm sure Meowth grew up with that clan and then just for not letting me and Smooches get hurt her got kicked out ... "

    Krissy looks upset once more, but sniffs up a bit and puts a positive spin on it.

    " That's gotta hurt deep down ... but he's with us now, and his scars ... both emotional and physical ... will heal with time! "

    Krissy smiles and slowly and cautiously pets Meowth, making sure not to frighten him.

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    Pewter City - Page 3 Empty Re: Pewter City

    Post  Nihility Fri Jul 30, 2010 11:26 pm

    Exz smiles, as the positive comes on top of the negative.

    "Yeah...I know he'll be okay...I mean, awesome with you."
    Mt. Moon
    Mt. Moon

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    Pewter City - Page 3 Empty Re: Pewter City

    Post  Mt. Moon Fri Jul 30, 2010 11:32 pm

    Krissy smiles at Exz's complimentary comment.

    " You're too sweet. "

    Smoochum suddenly appears tugging on Krissy's pant leg, causing Krissy to lift her up in her lap. Smoochum pointed at her hair, signalling she wants it done up nice after getting gum in it earlier.

    " Alright Frenchie I'll do your hair ... and Exz, I didn't ask before ... are you a trainer? "

    Krissy raise and eye brow as she teased Smoochum's hair with a brush she pulled out of her pocket.

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