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Welcome to PokéKingdom! In a world where humans must coexist with Pokémon, you play a young student whose number one priorities are to complete tasks and make friends in humans and Pokémon alike. Prepare to embark on the journey of a lifetime!

    Sammie vs. Brock, Pewter City Gym


    Posts : 115
    Join date : 2010-07-13
    Age : 31
    Location : Yo Daddy House ^_^

    Sammie vs. Brock, Pewter City Gym Empty Sammie vs. Brock, Pewter City Gym

    Post  ♥Aphrodite. Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:26 pm

    Sammie looked at the sign out in front of the large building, nodding her head at it. She didn't want to seem cocky, but she was fairly certain in herself at this point; she had the type advantage going into this thing with Squirt at her side. Now if she could just work over these pre-first-gym-battle-ever-butterflies, she'd be good to go. Sadly, this was easier said than done. "Are you ready to do this thing, Squirt?" Samantha would say, looking down at her little blue pal. The reassuring call back up at the trainer was all the pep talk she needed, opening the huge gray door and stepping into the gym for the first time.

    She looked around at everything inside: the big rocky battlefield, the dim lighting, and the kids who were always sitting inside of the gym, hoping to learn a thing or two from watching it's leader. They smirked at her, thinking this would be fun to watch; she didn't notice though, because she was already busy trying to concoct ways to use the boulders and stones of the battlefield to her own advantage, after assuming that the gym leader had a strategy that had led him to many victories already.

    "If it's a challenge you've come looking for, step forth now, lil lady,"
    Sammie heard a tan boy from across the gym call for her. She saw the spot he was talking about - a white outline of a Pokeball on the ground. She stepped in the center of it. "I'm Brock! I'm Pewter's Gym Leader! I believe in rock hard defense and determination! That's why my Pokémon are all the Rock-type! Do you still want to challenge me?"

    Sammie took a gulp before blurting out, "I am Samantha of Pallet Town, and yes I still want to challenge you!"

    "Fine then! Show me your best!" Brock wound back and tossed out his first Pokeball, "Go, Geodude!" As the rock head Pokemon appeared on the battlefield, Sammie thought it smart to read up on him.

    Geodude, the Rock Pokémon. Geodude has incredibly high defensive power, making it virtually resistant to any physical attacks.
    Sammie vs. Brock, Pewter City Gym Spr_3e_074

    "This is going to be harder than I thought,"
    Sammie whispered to herself, knowing she couldn't let Brock know just how unsure she was feelings. Squirt began to run out onto the field, but Sammie stopped her. "No ma'am. I want you well rested for whatever else he has up his sleeves. Rattata, let's do this!" She would throw out her purple mouse Pokemon, and the battle was officially underway.

    Sammie vs. Brock, Pewter City Gym SpriteBrockSammie vs. Brock, Pewter City Gym Spr_4h_074 Sammie vs. Brock, Pewter City Gym VS_Hoenn_Gym_Leaders___Emerald___by_Da_suspect Sammie vs. Brock, Pewter City Gym 019Sammie vs. Brock, Pewter City Gym Trainer_Yuna_by_LaniceraCaprifolium

    To Be Continued

    Posts : 115
    Join date : 2010-07-13
    Age : 31
    Location : Yo Daddy House ^_^

    Sammie vs. Brock, Pewter City Gym Empty Re: Sammie vs. Brock, Pewter City Gym

    Post  ♥Aphrodite. Sun Aug 08, 2010 1:20 am

    "Go, Rattata. Use Quick Attack!" The purple mouse sprang into action, jumping over rocks and boulders - all the while leaving a blazing white streak behind it - as it dashed for Geodude. Brock would laugh and call for Defense Curl before watching the challenger's Pokemon crash into the Geodude head first. Rattata would roll backwards, holding onto his furry little head. "You're gonna have to do better than that, kid, if you wanna beat me. My defense is hard as a rock; there's no doubt about that! And my offense isn't that bad, either - Geodude, use tackle attack now!" Brock's Geodude would go flying toward Sammie's Pokemon with his fist stretched out in front of him. Sammie called for her Pokemon to dodge it, but it was too late.

    Sammie vs. Brock, Pewter City Gym Spr_4h_074 Sammie vs. Brock, Pewter City Gym VS_Hoenn_Gym_Leaders___Emerald___by_Da_suspect Sammie vs. Brock, Pewter City Gym Spr_3f_007

    The referee called the battle over, as Rattata lay there on his back. Sammie recalled him, and told him that she still thinks he did a great job. "Wow, this guy's good. Two minutes into my first gym match and I'm already down a Pokemon. Just think of what that rock-head would do to poor Taillow... looks like I gotta go with you Squirt. You ready for this?" Squirt calls out and then jumps onto the battlefield, having been waiting for her chance to mix it up.

    "Good choice going with a Squirtle. Hopefully the type-advantage will help you out a little... but I hope you don't think that just because you send out a Water-type means you've got what it takes to crack my defense just like that!" Sammie would call for a Bubble attack, but Brock was smart to counter with Mud Sport. The clumps of dirt would eliminate the bubble threat, leaving Samantha's strategy shot. Then Geodude went for another tackle attack - fists first. Sammie had a thought. "Go for a tackle attack too, Squirt!" Trusting it's trainer, Squirt began to run toward the for. "Hah! If you think that Squirtle can match my Geodude in strength, you're in for a rude awakening." The gap between the two was closing in. "Now, Squirt, Withdraw!"

    Squirt jumped into the air and then drew into her shell. Geodude hit the center of her shell with all his might, and a loud crack was heard. Was it the rock-head's knuckle, or was the tiny turtle Pokemon now homeless?

    Geodude held his hand and cried out in pain... Dudeeeeee! "Now, Squirt, go for Bubble again!" Sammie's Squirtle would quickly pop it's head out of it's shell and fire away. The bright blue projectiles would collide with the living boulder and explode on contact, and soon Geodude was left lying on the ground. "Guess my defense was just a little bit better than yours, huh, Brock?"

    Brock returned his Geodude, and then pulled out his next Pokeball. "Well it wasn't bad, I'll tell you that much. But let's see how you do when I send out a Pokemon who's all about the offensive. Go, Onix!"


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